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The Adventure of Writing

How can writing be an adventure? 

I sit stationary at my desk, periodically glancing outside. How can that be an adventure?

It’s not an adventure in the physical sense but it is an adventure for my mind. I search for words as another might search for lost treasure. 

I piece together phrases and sentences as detectives piece together clues to solve a mystery. 

As any good adventure should, writing has its highs and lows. Writing is not always fun. It can be frustrating, terrifying, exhilarating, and rewarding. 

What more can you ask from an adventure?

I am allowed to dream up new worlds, create stories that have never been told, and walk with readers as they enjoy the words laid out before them. 

Dreaming up adventures has been a part of my life since I was young. I would tell how a crazy man kidnapped my little brother, but at the time I did not have a little brother.  

I would tell stories to my cousins about how a dinosaur was chasing us as we rode down the road. 

I could go on and on telling all the silly adventures I had going through my brain as a young child.

Taking on a new adventure is a desire that never ceases. I crave seeing new parts of God’s creation from hiking in the mountains, to harvesting a species of wild game, or experiencing food from different cultures. 

Some might call me a small time thrill seeker. They would be correct in their description. 

I am always up for an adventure. Writing is no different. 

Join me on the adventure; adventures are ALWAYS grand when you have friends with whom to share the memories.