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Meet The Guide

My Story

I was born and raised in the outdoors! 

Well technically I was born in a hospital but it didn’t take my dad long to introduce me to the outdoors! I grew up camping, hiking, kayaking, and of course hunting and fishing! At a young age my dad planted a love and respect for God’s amazing creation deep in my soul. 

My parents lovingly introduced me to Jesus at a young age. Thankfully they did because in high-school I chose to become a father. It was through this choice that I have experienced love like never before. My parents showed me unconditional love when I told them my girlfriend was pregnant and I learned how to unconditionally love another human when my daughter was born.

Who I Am

Above all, I am a follower of Jesus. Secondly, I am a husband to a beautiful wife. Thirdly, I am a father to an amazing daughter. I work as a land reclamation specialist and heavy equipment operator. In my free time I enjoy reading, writing, and any outdoor adventure!