Mesmerized, as I stared into the dancing flames, they appear harmless at first glance as they move about the logs.
Yet, they bite.
They bite hard, letting one know when one is too close for the comfort of all.
The flames are perceived to be tamed, like man has the ability to control them. Until, a stray spark soars into the starry night sky, finally falling back to earth on a dry pile of leaves.
Ignited, the fire that once brought warmth and comfort now brings about panic, chaos, and fear.
Where man had control moments earlier, a wild fire rages on furiously.
A little spark is all it takes to start a fire, a fire that can change the world.
The fire sputtering inside of your soul can change the world, all you need is a little fuel to feed the flames.
Your soul is craving, your soul is screaming out to set the world on fire.
Feed the fire, let that fire consume you.
What is that fire?
It’s your passion. It’s what you were created to conquer. You were destined to defeat the enemy of your soul by fueling your passion.
Your God given passion. Let it burn.