Have you ever owned an item that wasn’t valuable, monetarily speaking? Yet, you wouldn’t trade that item for the world. It held an emotional value that far exceeded anything anyone could offer you.
It could have been a blanket your grandmother stitched, your grandfather’s watch, or a ticket stub from your first date with your spouse. It doesn’t matter what it is this items is irreplaceable to you because of the emotional value it brings into your life. Often it doesn’t make sense to other people why you cherish it.
It doesn’t make sense to me that that Creator of the Universe didn’t just “press the restart button” when humans first sinned. He has the power to do whatever He pleases, so why didn’t He just wipe out the human race and begin again?
If I were God that seems like the logical conclusion I would come to in this scenario. I guess it’s a good thing I’m not God!
I believe God does things for a reason. I believe He allows things to happen for a purpose. His purpose in allowing mankind to continue after sinning was to show you just how valuable you are to God. Sin made us useless, worthless, and pointless.
Instead of scrapping His plan, because He knew we were going to fail, He decided to show us just how good He can be in awful situations. He chose to show us that we are valuable to Him. Even when we don’t feel that value, even when other’s tell us we are not valuable.
You are so valuable that God stepped out of eternity into time and space. Into our dimension, just to be a sacrifice for our sins. So that we can join Him back in eternity like we were originally created to do.
You are irreplaceable to God. You are worth everything to God. You were created by God for a purpose.
Have you discovered your purpose?