I told myself that constantly. I could find a fault in someone and convince myself they needed to get that part of them fixed ASAP so they could treat me better.
There were other times when people did do something rude to me that I did not deserve. Instead of forgiving them like Jesus did I would hold onto the unforgiveness. I would conveniently forget that Jesus undeservingly died on a cross, and still found the strength to ask His Father to forgive the people who mocked, beat, and ultimately crucified Him.
How can I not find the strength to forgive those who have offended me?
You see it wasn’t my body that was ripped apart during a beating. It wasn’t my name they were mocking. It wasn’t my blood that poured out on the cross. It wasn’t my perfect sinless life that was sacrificed for the sins of those who would dare to believe.
So how can I not forgive those that have cussed me out? How can I not forgive those who have belittled me? How can I not forgive, if Jesus still forgave after all He went through?