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A Boy is Born, A Man is Made

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” If that’s the case then men, real men, need to become more like diamonds.

How can we do that?

Diamonds are made through enormous amounts of pressure over an extended period of time. 

Similarly, a man, a real man, is made through the pressures of life, throughout the period of time called his life. 

This is great news if you’ve ever felt the pressures of life bearing down on you, you are experiencing an opportunity to get your man card, don’t pass it up by avoiding these pressures.

Pressures can be failures.

A lot can be said about your character while you are in the midst of a failure or shortly after you have experienced a failure.

Will you learn from this failure or will you allow it to continue to kick the snot out of you?

Will you get back up and keep on, keeping on, or will you lay down and complain about it the rest of your life?

I hope you choose to learn from your failure and get back up afterwards.

It’s not easy, nor is it often popular.

Culture will tell you that you deserve a handout. You don’t. 

If you consider yourself a real man, you will keep on, keeping on until you find a way to overcome your failure and the pressures that life often brings.

The good news is you don’t have to venture this journey alone.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” – Romans 8:28.

God is willing to work in your life and HELP you face your failures and overcome life’s pressures. IF you will lay aside your pride and  allow him too.

The time is now, don’t wait another moment, allow God to work in your life and continue to become the man He destined you to be from the beginning of time.

The choice is yours, you were born a boy. Will you be forged into a man?