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Patience Kills Pride

I found myself rushing through life for no apparent reason. I sped to work, even when I wasn’t running late. I found myself passing other drivers because they weren’t going five over the speed limit. I rushed through jobs at work, sometimes at the cost of missing important details. I was able to masquerade my pride by telling myself that I was saving time not wasting it driving. Or I was a hard worker who liked to get things done, lots of things.

The cold hard truth, I was impatient. I thought my time was more important than someone else’s, so I sped around them. I wanted to accomplish one task just so I could check another off the list. That way my boss would see that I was important.

Impatience dominated my life.

I was impatient with my wife, my daughter, and my friends. I was impatient with myself. I was impatient with everyone around me. I was impatient.

I honestly believed that waiting was wasting time. There is always something to be done.

I learned patience kills pride.

Learning to wait patiently killed my pride. I’m by no means perfectly patient, far from it, but I can honestly say I have come a long way from where I was recently.